vrijdag 28 februari 2014

Week 2 action in Antwerp

Two games were played at Antwerp on Sunday the 23rd.
First up the Brussels Black Angels took on the Limburg Shotguns

Then it was time for the home team to try and make its mark. Unfortunately for the Diamonds, the Lions offense was too much to handle.

FAFL Week 2 all video covered!

Great news as the Pirates have now also uploaded their gametape to youtube. This means that every week 2 FAFL game is now available online! Thank you Pirates

zondag 23 februari 2014

Late addition: Week 1 Diamonds vs Shotguns

Here's a late addition to the 2014 Senior season collection. Thanks go out to the Lions for providing this partial footage of the Week 1 game between the Diamonds and Shotguns

maandag 10 februari 2014

BFL Senior Season Week 1 Gators-Angels

The season is finally upon us! Lucky for everybody the Gators have already been so generous to share the tape of their game with everybody and it's a good one. The Gators will be a force to be reckoned with this season. Enjoy! (1st quarter missing due to camera issues)